UL vs FM approva
UL vs FM approva
what is the main differences between UL listed and FM approval ?
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RE: UL vs FM approva
RE: UL vs FM approva
Good on ya,
Goober Dave
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RE: UL vs FM approva
RE: UL vs FM approva
UL is going to focus more on is the product safe. Will it blow up, will it hurt someone, will the door blow open if there is an electrical fault. They are going to analyze the ratings of the breakers, the voltages, insulation spacings, etc. We (FM) trust UL to take care of this aspect of the design and we are going to concern ourselves with the operation. Will it do the job, does it have noise issues, will it be reliable, how was the software designed? Things like that.
Basically, UL is going to cover is the product safe. FM will focus on will it function reliably in a harsh environment.