Intrinsic Safety Assessment, EN60079-25 and non-linear Power Supply
Intrinsic Safety Assessment, EN60079-25 and non-linear Power Supply
I wounder if somebody can shade some light on how to determine whether a power source is linear or non-linear according to EN 60079-25. Many Thanks
RE: Intrinsic Safety Assessment, EN60079-25 and non-linear Power Supply
Dan - Owner
RE: Intrinsic Safety Assessment, EN60079-25 and non-linear Power Supply
Keith Cress
kcress -
RE: Intrinsic Safety Assessment, EN60079-25 and non-linear Power Supply
In the standard it looks more the term is used with regard to the relationship between current and voltage following an ohmic relationship, i.e. an unregulated source which could be modelled as an ideal cell with a series resistance.
If we learn from our mistakes I'm getting a great education!
RE: Intrinsic Safety Assessment, EN60079-25 and non-linear Power Supply
I think the intent was PWM versus 60Hz sine...
Dan - Owner
RE: Intrinsic Safety Assessment, EN60079-25 and non-linear Power Supply
Keith Cress
kcress -
RE: Intrinsic Safety Assessment, EN60079-25 and non-linear Power Supply
If we learn from our mistakes I'm getting a great education!
RE: Intrinsic Safety Assessment, EN60079-25 and non-linear Power Supply
If you don't have $200 you can google it.