a Propeller design analysis
a Propeller design analysis
First, I want www addresses on online engineering forums which they will answer-solve related engineering problems,quickly and accurately.
Second, " A propeller for a lightwave speedboat capable for been used in inland waters or at sea is currently made out of brass (a copper alloy).In service, the blades are deflecting too much a high rotational speeds i.e(it is not stiff enough).Use a chart of Young's modulus (stiffness) against density to choose three alternative metals which are stiffer, but which will not lead to a heavier component, i.e(they are not greater in density than brass).If possible mention briefly the relative advantages and disadvantages of the alternatives, bearing in mind the service conditions.
Second, " A propeller for a lightwave speedboat capable for been used in inland waters or at sea is currently made out of brass (a copper alloy).In service, the blades are deflecting too much a high rotational speeds i.e(it is not stiff enough).Use a chart of Young's modulus (stiffness) against density to choose three alternative metals which are stiffer, but which will not lead to a heavier component, i.e(they are not greater in density than brass).If possible mention briefly the relative advantages and disadvantages of the alternatives, bearing in mind the service conditions.
RE: a Propeller design analysis
Q1 : I don't know any other sites other than this one here...If you find anything better please let me know..
Q2 : the best way to go about alternative materials would be to go use the material indices theory/method.
Set up your material equations and get the range of materials that will do the same job as the one you require...
(your are bound to end up with several disimmilar materials (range of materials)but then you have to pick the best for your application...)
If you are not familiar with the above method/theory let me know I will point you to the right direction