Grain Bins and Silos, Filling and Emptying At The Same Time??
Grain Bins and Silos, Filling and Emptying At The Same Time??
We are working with more large and small diameter grain bins and silos that are being filled and emptied at the same time at high rates. One current project will be filled at 20,000 BPH continuously and emptied, starting and stopping at 40,000 BPH....
What do other designers use of over pressures on this type of "working" bin and silo design?
If the bin or silo is a "shallow" bin vs. a "deep" bin, we often assume very little filling and emptying load effect on the bin walls..
What do other designers use of over pressures on this type of "working" bin and silo design?
If the bin or silo is a "shallow" bin vs. a "deep" bin, we often assume very little filling and emptying load effect on the bin walls..