Converting from Fiber to...
Converting from Fiber to...
I'm working on a job where the utility wants the ability to remotely turn off two solar inverters remotely. The utility will run fiber to the inverters. I don't know what communications protocol they will use.
The question I have is how to convert from a signal on fiber to the trip signal the inverter will accept. The inverters are from different manufactures and accept different inputs
Inverter #1 - Trips based on the opening of a normally closed dry contact
Inverter #2 - Trips based on a Modbus command given over Modbus RS-485.
I don't have a communication background, so I would appreciate any insight on what kind of device is needed to get from fiber optic cable to the trip signal the inverters can read. I expect we'll be pulling in a consultant on this, but I'd at least like to get a little background myself first.
The question I have is how to convert from a signal on fiber to the trip signal the inverter will accept. The inverters are from different manufactures and accept different inputs
Inverter #1 - Trips based on the opening of a normally closed dry contact
Inverter #2 - Trips based on a Modbus command given over Modbus RS-485.
I don't have a communication background, so I would appreciate any insight on what kind of device is needed to get from fiber optic cable to the trip signal the inverters can read. I expect we'll be pulling in a consultant on this, but I'd at least like to get a little background myself first.
RE: Converting from Fiber to...
If you try to omit the controller, then you need to find fiber to discreet and fiber to RS-485 converters. Companies such as BlackBox sell into this market.
RE: Converting from Fiber to...
For the contact closure you could use the SEL2505 at both ends or RLH cards at both ends
RE: Converting from Fiber to...
A couple of products - SEL 2440, SEL 2032, Control Microsystems SCADAPack 32P, Novatech Orion
Hope that helps.
RE: Converting from Fiber to...