Where are S.G. or M.W. measurements generally used?
Where are S.G. or M.W. measurements generally used?
As a follow on to my previous question of dehydrogenisation to produce propylene, I'm trying to get a better undersatanding of how our products are used within a refinery. I would be very interested to know where either S.G. (specific gravity) or M.W. (molecular weight) are measured in refineries. E.g., during what processes, and to produce what end products?
Thanks again for any help.
Thanks again for any help.
RE: Where are S.G. or M.W. measurements generally used?
RE: Where are S.G. or M.W. measurements generally used?
Best regards
RE: Where are S.G. or M.W. measurements generally used?
RE: Where are S.G. or M.W. measurements generally used?
SG=MW/29 - no matter what condition you have - its a reference.
Best regards
RE: Where are S.G. or M.W. measurements generally used?
Best regards
RE: Where are S.G. or M.W. measurements generally used?
I don't know what company you are working for and what is your job function.But is very surprising that you are asking some one out side your company to tell you where and how your company products are being used in the industry.Stop relying on others too much and start thinking yourself.
RE: Where are S.G. or M.W. measurements generally used?
Molecular weight is a measure of quality used in various reactions such as polymerisation.
Taken together density and viscosity can provide information on the parafinic content (the viscosity gravity constant, ASTM D2501 - 91(2005)) and together they can also be used to derived a measure of molecular weight. everal ASSTM standardss for this and a paper here: http://
ASTM and ISA are good sources of information on the use of various measurements.
Try a search within there publications.
RE: Where are S.G. or M.W. measurements generally used?
Pumpsonly, its only since learning of compressor surge control that I discovered how MW can be useful for control. I'm unfamiliar with refineries and hence asking the experts for other similar applications.