monopulse comparator or te21 mode couplers?
monopulse comparator or te21 mode couplers?
Dear All, We will track a LEO satellite with a large reflector (program track is not enough).We have foundmonopulse comparatorte21 mode couplersWe are not sure which one to use to track a satellite at 8 Ghz? Can anybody help?
RE: monopulse comparator or te21 mode couplers?
If the reason that you can't predict the orbital track is due to atmospheric drag, then just let the project slide for a week or two and the requirement will probably go away (due to reentry).
By the way, why are you using a "large" reflector for a LEO satellite. If it's LEO, then a smaller dish (with a wider beam width, making tracking easier) should suffice. Are you trying to detect an on-board LO?
RE: monopulse comparator or te21 mode couplers?
What kind of system are you considering? simpler single channel, dual channel, or a full-blown three-channel with dual polarization, receivers, and combiners?
Note, I assumed that you are tracking for data or telemetry downlink/uplink, and not monopulse radar tracking.
RE: monopulse comparator or te21 mode couplers?
John D