How can I locate PED certified NDT Technician/Service (Hou/Tx)
How can I locate PED certified NDT Technician/Service (Hou/Tx)
We are a "code shop" with "R","S" & "U" stamps. I need help in locating an NDT service provider with PED Certified Tecnicians in RT & LPT. Would prefer local to Houston if possible but will consider all replies. Thank you for your assistance
RE: How can I locate PED certified NDT Technician/Service (Hou/Tx)
RE: How can I locate PED certified NDT Technician/Service (Hou/Tx)
Thank you for your post...I've googled this on the net but was not successful in locating PED qualified service provider here locally. The closest I was able to find was in Canada. I will let you know the results of our query. Thanks again!
Semper Fi
RE: How can I locate PED certified NDT Technician/Service (Hou/Tx)
"According to European Directive 97/23/EC Article 13 clause 1, European Union Member States shall notify the European Commission and the other Member States of the Third Party Organizations (RTPO) which they have recognised for the purposes of the tasks referred to in Annex 1, section 3.1.3, namely the 'Approval' of NDT personnel to test
permanent joints of category III and IV pressure systems.
The methodology for approval of NDT personnel is not specified in Directive 97/23/EC, and it has been agreed by the Notified Body (NB) and Recognised Third Party Organisation(RTPO) members of the European Notified Bodies Forum (NBF) that a Code of Practice(CoP) be published for voluntary adoption by RTPO's to ensure a consistent approach in the application of The Directive to the approval of NDT personnel. This CoP, which was approved by the Notified Bodies Forum on 23 June 2004 for submission to WGP, has evolved from an initial draft provided by the European Federation for NDT (EFNDT), which has as members over 30 NDT Societies, including a significant number of accredited NDT personnel certification bodies, many of which are also recognised by EU member states as Third Party Organisations.
Ask your local Lloyds office if they have approved any NDE personnel under the PED requirements.
Good luck.
RE: How can I locate PED certified NDT Technician/Service (Hou/Tx)
Thank you for your suggestion. I'll submit an enquiry to them all well. IMHO, as the demand for PED certified work increases, it would seem that all who are "certified" service providers would see it in their best interest to advertise that fact. I will keep you posted on the results of our enquiry.
RE: How can I locate PED certified NDT Technician/Service (Hou/Tx)
RE: How can I locate PED certified NDT Technician/Service (Hou/Tx)
Thank you for your post. We wish Branch Radiographic Labs success in their pursuit of accreditation, however our need for PED certified NDT service is immediate in nature. Please keep posting your suggestions, as something may very well come of it.
Semper Fi
RE: How can I locate PED certified NDT Technician/Service (Hou/Tx)
Best regards - Al