Projecting sketch elements from 3d model to catdrawing?
Projecting sketch elements from 3d model to catdrawing?
I have a catproduct and catdrawing I am updating in V5R17.
The existing drawing contains elements (lines and points) that exist inside a sketch in the catproduct. Trying to keep with the same process I want to project sketch elements over to the 2d catdrawing. Is there a setting for this?
The existing drawing contains elements (lines and points) that exist inside a sketch in the catproduct. Trying to keep with the same process I want to project sketch elements over to the 2d catdrawing. Is there a setting for this?
RE: Projecting sketch elements from 3d model to catdrawing?
RE: Projecting sketch elements from 3d model to catdrawing?
Tools>options> Mech Design>Drafting>Views
check both Project 3D wireframe and points.
if you don't enable that then you'll always get the message that the part has nothing to project.
RE: Projecting sketch elements from 3d model to catdrawing?
I remeber having some problem with infinite line in sketches and projection in a CATDrawing.
If you have some issue, check inside the sketch for infinite line...
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