Applying Bolt Head-Clamped Part Friction
Applying Bolt Head-Clamped Part Friction
Well, here's my problem. I'm trying to figure out a way to apply the frictional torque between a bolt flange and the clamped part to the clamped part, in SDRC. What I'm attempting to learn is how much stress is induced in the part from the bolt torquing procedure.
RE: Applying Bolt Head-Clamped Part Friction
To apply distributed moments on surface areas, use geometry-based boundary conditions, which must be applied prior to meshing and which might require free as opposed to mapped mesh. You also need to apply the bolt axial clamping force P = T/(K*D) to the appropriate surfaces. Good luck.
RE: Applying Bolt Head-Clamped Part Friction
Bscotti, please find out what the full list of special circumstances are before using any such formulas for something as difficult to control as bolting. Any multipliers to two decimal places in a world that is plus or minus 50% have to be well understood and fit the application.
RE: Applying Bolt Head-Clamped Part Friction
Secondly, regarding the torque component distribution (pitch/thread/bearing), I have done an analysis using the following:
ISO 68 - metric 60 degree thread form
ISO 261 and 262 - preferred metric thread sizes
ISO 273 - hole sizes (medium)
ISO 4014 - hex head screws
thread major diameter verying from 6 mm to 100 mm
friction coefficient of 0.1 and 0.3
The pitch torque varies from 2.6% to 18.6% (vonlueke's = 14%)
The thread torque varies from 36.2% to 46.2% (vonlueke's = 39%)
The bearing torque varies from 45.2% to 51.2% (vonlueke's = 47%)
A friction coefficient = 0.3 and a major diameter = 100 mm are obviously extreme values. It is important to identify friction coefficient for the actual joint members, as well as their geometry and use torque components that match your joint. Just for clarity, vonlueke's numbers correspond well with fasteners with lower friction (~ 0.1 - 0.15) and medium diameter (16 - 30 mm).
RE: Applying Bolt Head-Clamped Part Friction
And thank you, CoryPad, for your comments.
RE: Applying Bolt Head-Clamped Part Friction
I was planning mesh both the plate and bolts using solid elements but I am not sure how the interface conditions should be.
Given the torque load, would vonlueke's conditions above model my problem accurately?
RE: Applying Bolt Head-Clamped Part Friction
RE: Applying Bolt Head-Clamped Part Friction
For your problem, you could perhaps define the bolt material properties at an elevated reference temperature T1, then run your analysis at, e.g., room temperature T2 to simulate bolt preload, where T1 = T2 + M/(E*alpha*K*0.25*pi*D^3), where M = bolt installation torque, E = bolt material modulus of elasticity, alpha = bolt material coefficient of thermal expansion, K = torque coefficient, pi = 3.14159, and D = bolt shank nominal diameter. Now apply your applied tensile load(s) to your structure and run the analysis at T2.
If there are also applied shear load(s) on your bolted plate and you're assuming plate shear slippage (the usual assumption) causing bolt hole bearing stresses, I guess you would then need to make the above run a contact analysis to model the bolt-shank-to-bolt-hole contact stresses. Good luck.
RE: Applying Bolt Head-Clamped Part Friction
But i am still unsure of something.
I am doing a stress analysis for bearing stress due to fastener load transfer. The two clamped plate is in tension of course but why is Temperature in the picture here? Is it common practice to simulate pre-load this way?
Could you elaborate on contact analysis?
I am at a loss on how to model bolt-shank-to-bolt-hole contact.
RE: Applying Bolt Head-Clamped Part Friction
Contact analysis can be nontrivial, and the instructions might be slightly different in each program. There doesn't seem to be much information on contact analysis on-line yet (?). If you're really interested in contact analysis and your program has this capability, you may need to locate the contact analysis instructions or tutorial for your program. Or maybe someone knows a clever way other than contact analysis for your solid model (?).
RE: Applying Bolt Head-Clamped Part Friction