How does ALGOR deal with yielding?
How does ALGOR deal with yielding?
It occured to me today when running an analysis that produced 300,000 psi that i did not know if ALGOR does any yielding analysis. I am assuming that if you are doing a linear stress analysis that the minute you have stresses past the yield point of the material, then the analysis will not be accurate.
RE: How does ALGOR deal with yielding?
With a Linear Stress Analysis, Algor (and all FEA programs really) extrapolate the stress/strain curve in the elastic region between 0 and the yield point. Once you exceed the yield stress, it continues along the same slope of the curve to determine stresses at higher strains and/or deflections.
To get accurate results, you need nonlinear material models. I typically run just about everything that I think may exceed yield with bi-linear material models.
RE: How does ALGOR deal with yielding?
If I upgrade Algor to be able to do this, will it also provide failure analysis?
RE: How does ALGOR deal with yielding?
Algor non-linear will handle post-yield behavior and permanent deformation.