Forum Numbers Q for wktaylor
Forum Numbers Q for wktaylor
Taylor: in your answer to zchunter you referenced forum numbers 288 and 725.
What are these numbers and how does one use them. Possibly this a way to find a way thru the maze of e-info?
What are these numbers and how does one use them. Possibly this a way to find a way thru the maze of e-info?
Jesus is the WAY
RE: Forum Numbers Q for wktaylor
ref "Forum288" and "Forum725" [properly written this time]
Both of these terms should be visible with highlighted blue underlined printing. Clicking on each these terms should provide a "hot-button link" directly to the noted forums within Eng-Tips. Notice I said "should" link You to the Forums... but may not, if parts of Your web-browser are deactivated [my Company shuts-off unsecure portions of Internet Explorer for security.. so buttons will not activate macros].
Regards, Wil Taylor
RE: Forum Numbers Q for wktaylor
As Columbo would say, "just one more question:"
If I want to point someone to a Forum, type it in just like you did and underline using the Reply Preview Post Edit function as follows?:
The parentheses that you added don't count - right?
Jesus is the WAY
RE: Forum Numbers Q for wktaylor
I meant to say the quotation marks you added don't count - right?
Jesus is the WAY