Honda Generator
Honda Generator
Greetings one and all
I have been asked to repair a Honda 240V single phase generator for a friend. The AVR has ceased to function and a new one costs A$700.00. I have been led to believe that there are after-market devices which means that somewhere there is a schematic of the AVR. The device is potted in epoxy and impossible to reverse engineer. I do need help
Thank you
I have been asked to repair a Honda 240V single phase generator for a friend. The AVR has ceased to function and a new one costs A$700.00. I have been led to believe that there are after-market devices which means that somewhere there is a schematic of the AVR. The device is potted in epoxy and impossible to reverse engineer. I do need help
Thank you
RE: Honda Generator
RE: Honda Generator
Try to find the cost of a third party AVR that matches the original spec and install that on the generator.
Second is to find out the cost of an entire altrnator that matches the engine, ie, direct coupled, same or less real power (Kw) output, nominal power factor machine, that produce same voltage and the frequency. I would also want to (or perhaps you can calculate)know the moment of inertia of the new alternator rotating parts, which should be closely match to the original in order to avoid any vibration and barred speed operation. Of course the important thing is that it should have simialr physical dimentions for proper mounting and direct coupling.
RE: Honda Generator
if it's a silicone based it will become pliable enuf to flake out w/a probe or screwdriver;it worked for me