The reason why/
The reason why/
Dear all,
I am interested now in TOFD(Time of flight diffraction) but i have problem below.
What is the reason why compression wave probes are used?
I am interested now in TOFD(Time of flight diffraction) but i have problem below.
What is the reason why compression wave probes are used?
RE: The reason why/
Diffraction is stronger for longitudinal waves than for shear waves.
For identical frequencies and crystal diameters, beam spread is greater for compression wave due to its longer wavelength. The TOFD method requires "flooding" the material under test with sound with a wide beam. Thus also smaller crystal size is desirable.
Due to higher velocity, compression waves will always reach reflectors before shear waves. The reflected/diffracted shear waves in the material are therefore "lost" in the mode conversion signals coming from the backwall of the test specimen leaving a clear signal display for inspection zone.