Validate cell with a list of non repeating value
Validate cell with a list of non repeating value
I have a column list containing e.g.
Now I want to validate cell which shows list e.g.
Without repeating values.
Now I want to validate cell which shows list e.g.
Without repeating values.
RE: Validate cell with a list of non repeating value
1) Create a list of acceptable values
2) Name the range (select all of the values, then Insert-Name->Define, give a name)
3) Turn on Validation (Tools->Validation->List and point to the list created in step 1.
4) Write a small snippet of code that will HIDE the row that contains the item selected in list 1.
For example, on sheet 2, you can create a list with the days of the week..... A1 = Sunday, A2 = Monday, ..... On Sheet 1, select column A and turn on the validation (as described in step 3 above where the list is the name of the range that you defined in step 2). Then whenever you select a cell in sheet 1 column A, you will always be forced to select a value from sheet 2 column A. If you create a macro to simply hide the row (in sheet 2), then the value should not appear in the selection on sheet 1.
Just a thought, hope this helps!
RE: Validate cell with a list of non repeating value
RE: Validate cell with a list of non repeating value
Online tools for structural design
RE: Validate cell with a list of non repeating value
if you are the same rodesh .......wish you all the best....that you keep up with your spreadsheet
RE: Validate cell with a list of non repeating value
I want to make non repeating validation list directly from original list without intermediate column of list. It will better if it could me made by custom function in VBA.
RE: Validate cell with a list of non repeating value
Best regards
RE: Validate cell with a list of non repeating value
custom list
enter the following formula:
This will not let you duplicate entries from .
Now go to the error box and type want you want for a pop up.
hope this helps,
Work Hard and Work Smart.
RE: Validate cell with a list of non repeating value
The following VBA custom function will take a list of values containing (possibly) repeated entries, and create from it a sorted list that does not contain any repeats.
- - - - - - VBA Code begins - - - - - -
Option Base 1
Option Explicit
Public Function Remove_Dups(In_List As Range)
' Takes as input a column of values.
' Creates from these values a sorted list without duplicates, which
' is returned to the calling spreadsheet as an array variable.
Dim InRows As Long, InCols As Long, OutRows As Long, OutCols As Long
Dim I As Long, J As Long, NumEntries As Long
Dim ErrText As String
Dim Ans() As Variant, SortedList() As Variant
Const FnName As String = "Function Remove_Dups"
Const EmptyMark As String = "-"
' Get the sizes of the input range and the output range.
InRows = In_List.Rows.Count
InCols = In_List.Columns.Count
OutRows = Application.Caller.Rows.Count
OutCols = Application.Caller.Columns.Count
' We now know the required sizes for several VBA arrays, so
' declare them accordingly.
ReDim Ans(OutRows, OutCols)
ReDim SortedList(OutRows, 1)
' Apply a few checks to these array sizes before going any further.
If InCols <> 1 Or OutCols <> 1 Or InRows < 2 Or OutRows < InRows Then
ErrText = "Problem with sizes of input or output ranges."
GoTo ErrorReturn
End If
' Create a VBA array containing the entries to be processed.
' Skip over empty cells, and also skip cells containing
' the "EmptyMark".
' (The EmptyMark bit can be changed or dropped as required.)
NumEntries = 0
For I = 1 To InRows
If Not IsEmpty(In_List(I, 1)) And In_List(I, 1) <> EmptyMark Then
NumEntries = NumEntries + 1
SortedList(NumEntries, 1) = In_List(I, 1)
End If
Next I
' If the input range contains no valid entries, go gentle into the night.
If NumEntries < 1 Then
For I = 1 To OutRows
Ans(I, 1) = EmptyMark ' Could use "" here instead.
Next I
Remove_Dups = Ans
Exit Function
End If
' Sort the array.
' Do this using some code filched from the Internet and used in
' heaps of other places. It appears below, as part of this module.
Call QuickSort(SortedList, 1, 1, NumEntries)
' Scan through the sorted array, grabbing the first instance of
' each unique entry as we go, and putting it into the output array.
J = 1
Ans(1, 1) = SortedList(1, 1)
For I = 2 To NumEntries
If SortedList(I, 1) <> SortedList(I - 1, 1) Then
J = J + 1
Ans(J, 1) = SortedList(I, 1)
End If
Next I
' Fill the remainder of the output array with "Emptymark".
If J < OutRows Then
For I = J + 1 To OutRows
Ans(I, 1) = EmptyMark
Next I
End If
' It's all over, Red Rover.
Remove_Dups = Ans
Exit Function
' Error handling area.
For I = 1 To OutRows
Ans(I, 1) = CVErr(xlErrNA) ' Fill output cells with "#N/A"
Next I
MsgBox ErrText, , FnName
Remove_Dups = Ans
End Function
Private Sub QuickSort(SortArray, col, L, R)
' Performs a "quicksort" on a two-dimensional array.
' SortArray - The two-dimensional array to be sorted.
' col - The (single) column number containing the sort key.
' L - The first row number of the band to be sorted.
' R - The last row number of the band to be sorted.
' Always sorts in ASCENDING order.
' Grabbed off Google Groups by me in June 2004.
' Originally Posted by Jim Rech 10/20/98 Excel.Programming
' Modified to sort on first column of a two dimensional array.
' Modified to handle a sort column other than 1 (or zero).
Dim I As Long, J As Long, mm As Long
Dim X As Variant, Y As Variant
' Set new extremes to old extremes.
' Get sort key for row in middle of new extremes.
I = L
J = R
X = SortArray((L + R) / 2, col)
' Loop for all rows between the extremes.
While (I <= J)
' Find the first row whose key is greater than that of the middle row.
While (SortArray(I, col) < X And I < R)
I = I + 1
' Find the last row whose key is less than that of the middle row.
While (X < SortArray(J, col) And J > L)
J = J - 1
' If the new "greater" row is smaller than the new "lesser" row
' swap them, then advance the pointers to the next rows.
If (I <= J) Then
For mm = LBound(SortArray, 2) To UBound(SortArray, 2)
Y = SortArray(I, mm)
SortArray(I, mm) = SortArray(J, mm)
SortArray(J, mm) = Y
Next mm
I = I + 1
J = J - 1
End If
' Recurse to sort the lower then the upper halves of the extremes.
If (L < J) Then Call QuickSort(SortArray, col, L, J)
If (I < R) Then Call QuickSort(SortArray, col, I, R)
End Sub
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