Looking for flexible tubing for outdoor use
Looking for flexible tubing for outdoor use
I need to identify a flexible tubing with a 1/4" I.D. that is serviceable for long-term outdoor use in the widest possible environmental conditions (sun, wind, rain, heat, cold). It will be used in air as a "pressure path" for barometric pressure from a wind-insensitive port. What type of flexible tubing will come closest to meeting our needs?
We currently use a platinum-cured silicone tubing (1/4" I.D. x 3/32" wall) in-house. How well would that fit an outdoor application as described above?
We currently use a platinum-cured silicone tubing (1/4" I.D. x 3/32" wall) in-house. How well would that fit an outdoor application as described above?
RE: Looking for flexible tubing for outdoor use
RE: Looking for flexible tubing for outdoor use
If you don't need a lot of it, and if it doesn't need to be very flexible, I would look at fluoroelastomers.
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