How can I set the speed of scrolling when I am selecting with the mouse cells in multiple pages?
It is so fast that you can select hundeds of lines in few seconds.
i've encountered the same problem, so i place the cursor at the beginning of the selection, press + hold the shift key, and use the navigating keys (arrow keys, page up, or page down) to select remaining material (cells or text). works for excel and word.
THis is a comnmon problem, the alternative is to start where you want to end up and then scroll back to the start, as 99 % of the times you are slecting cell A1 and if not you only overshoot by a few cells.
Another solution which works with all programs is to pick the first cell, then scroll down to the last cell you want to include, using the slide bars or mouse wheel, and press the shift key before picking the cell. This will select all lines between the two cells selected. Also works to pick a block of cells by picking the upper left corner cell, then going to the lower right cell and pressing the shift key before picking the cell.