- Oct 5, 2023
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I have a mixed gas containing amongst others Hydrogen, acetylene and methane.
Gas would be group IIB if it weren't for the hydrogen and acetylene.
Hydrogen is low, below 30% vol and inline with IEC 60079-10-1 2020 page 103 annex H.1 the gas doesn't come under the IIC classification from the hydrogen perspective.
I am sure from seeing this elsewhere in a previous application that a similar rule is available for acetylene below (I think) 14% vol which our gas is, however I can't find the reference to support this.
Please can anybody help me with a reference to support that a mixed gas below ~14% vol acetylene doesn't have to be a IIC classification.
I would note that the sum of acetylene and hydrogen by volume is also less than the 30% hydrogen limit so no concerns with considering acetylene to be a "hydrogen like" gas.
I am aware there are a great many sources with the blanket statement "gas group IIC for acetylene/ hydrogen" - as proved in the hydrogen case this is nuanced for low levels in a mixed gas so would appreciate if we could look beyond this to my specific case.
Thanks for your assistance.
I have a mixed gas containing amongst others Hydrogen, acetylene and methane.
Gas would be group IIB if it weren't for the hydrogen and acetylene.
Hydrogen is low, below 30% vol and inline with IEC 60079-10-1 2020 page 103 annex H.1 the gas doesn't come under the IIC classification from the hydrogen perspective.
I am sure from seeing this elsewhere in a previous application that a similar rule is available for acetylene below (I think) 14% vol which our gas is, however I can't find the reference to support this.
Please can anybody help me with a reference to support that a mixed gas below ~14% vol acetylene doesn't have to be a IIC classification.
I would note that the sum of acetylene and hydrogen by volume is also less than the 30% hydrogen limit so no concerns with considering acetylene to be a "hydrogen like" gas.
I am aware there are a great many sources with the blanket statement "gas group IIC for acetylene/ hydrogen" - as proved in the hydrogen case this is nuanced for low levels in a mixed gas so would appreciate if we could look beyond this to my specific case.
Thanks for your assistance.