- Jun 27, 2001
- 7,435
I decided to run this as a separate companion to the "Educated Opinions" thread.
There definitely is some hanky-panky going on but by whom and against whom?
I hope you guys are all aware of the growing concern about a hacker (the only one on the planet I may not want to have tortured for months on end, the jury is out yet) - this guy has apparently hacked into the Hadley CRU and released lots of emails that apparently, and if true, show that some fudging was going on by the warmists.
Some of the mails quoted seem blatantly false to me but then again, some of the supposedly private emails of Maddoff and others in a like situation (.e.g. spin doctors and MPs in the UK) seem to have been written by idiots too.
I leave you to make your own minds up.
You can follow links at Climate Audit and Watts Up with that. Or do a Google.
You can download what is allegedly the hacked material at because the original link is coming up "Object not found".
Er, it appears Hadley admit being hacked. They are quoted as admitting the files are genuine (I wonder if they may want to recant that when they see some of the emails released).
I have linked to the Blackboard site because they raise the question of hoax.
Could be.
Could be a genuine hack to download a mass of genuine data and then seed it with a few false documents.
The Hitler diaries are suggested by one as an object lesson.
We should remember that the Hitler diaries ultimately did a lot of harm to those who were taken in by them. The lesson is that while apparently targeted on the warmists, the real targets, if a hoax, may be the skeptics.
But if true, some heads will roll, or should roll even if they don't.
There definitely is some hanky-panky going on but by whom and against whom?
I hope you guys are all aware of the growing concern about a hacker (the only one on the planet I may not want to have tortured for months on end, the jury is out yet) - this guy has apparently hacked into the Hadley CRU and released lots of emails that apparently, and if true, show that some fudging was going on by the warmists.
Some of the mails quoted seem blatantly false to me but then again, some of the supposedly private emails of Maddoff and others in a like situation (.e.g. spin doctors and MPs in the UK) seem to have been written by idiots too.
I leave you to make your own minds up.
You can follow links at Climate Audit and Watts Up with that. Or do a Google.
You can download what is allegedly the hacked material at because the original link is coming up "Object not found".
Er, it appears Hadley admit being hacked. They are quoted as admitting the files are genuine (I wonder if they may want to recant that when they see some of the emails released).
I have linked to the Blackboard site because they raise the question of hoax.
Could be.
Could be a genuine hack to download a mass of genuine data and then seed it with a few false documents.
The Hitler diaries are suggested by one as an object lesson.
We should remember that the Hitler diaries ultimately did a lot of harm to those who were taken in by them. The lesson is that while apparently targeted on the warmists, the real targets, if a hoax, may be the skeptics.
But if true, some heads will roll, or should roll even if they don't.