I've verified all the other numbers on this Crude Oil Assay Sheet,
but I can't figure out how they get the Sulfur wt% in the resid oils = 1.408 down in the bottom right corner. Anybody have a clue?
How can the whole crude have 0.34 wt%, then that be 1.408?
Entire doc is attached, if you need to see more.
The API gravities of the resid oils 23.1 21.2 and 19.0
appear to be given and then the component's incremets of the resid are calculated from those APIs. Are they just well known common API values for those oils?
Entire doc is attached.
Einstein gave the same test to students every year. When asked why he would do something like that, "Because the answers had changed."
but I can't figure out how they get the Sulfur wt% in the resid oils = 1.408 down in the bottom right corner. Anybody have a clue?
How can the whole crude have 0.34 wt%, then that be 1.408?
Entire doc is attached, if you need to see more.
The API gravities of the resid oils 23.1 21.2 and 19.0
appear to be given and then the component's incremets of the resid are calculated from those APIs. Are they just well known common API values for those oils?
Entire doc is attached.
Einstein gave the same test to students every year. When asked why he would do something like that, "Because the answers had changed."