I primarily use limit equilibrium and have started to get into p-y analysis and Ensoft's p-y wall. Limit equilibrium is more of an Ultimate strength approach. If you fully develop the driving stress, by it active or at rest, how much full developed depth of passive pressure, assuming a rigid...
I agree with PEinc and dcarr82775 - you really should get someone with retention design experience. This forum is a great place to learn new things, but a dozen posts will not give you a viable design. Loads need to be computed, and the effect of adding 143 kips will not only effect the...
Check out your library and see if they have a copy ofAIA's Graphical Standards. It is used by arhitects and designers to detail structures. It shows several methods for building retaining walls. I would also talk to an engineer or experienced contractor. An 8 foot wall could give way with little...
Typically micro piles have a central bar that is grouted in to the micro pile. This bar is extended into the cap to provide a connection to the cap. This is much simpler and as dirtydude pointed out, more reliable.
Go to slideruleera.net website sheet piling and H-piles. There is a document US Steel Steel Sheet Piling Design Manual
That will explain design of dead men. It is very similar to the old pile buck mannual
Go 4 or 5 feet either side of the anchor and excavate down to the tie. Go out from the wall a distance of about a third of the distance of the wall to the mud line plus 5 feet. This should relive the driving force on the wall in the vicinity of the tie. What I am trying to do is remove the soil...
MHash, As for the first method, could you attach a sketch? Having trouble visuallizing the connection. Is this strictly for bar anchors or also for strand? Are the 2 plates that are added to the oppositte side of the beam from the anchors set parrallel or perpendicular to the flanges? Just...
Most H-piles have flange widths equal to the depths. Most W-shapes do not. The .67 is applicable to shapes that meet a ratio of flange width to thickness ratio. We are renovating our office so I have my books packed away right now, but it is part of the AISC Specifications. Since the W shape...
Item 1 there really is no differene between .66 Fy and .67 Fy. Really should look at the section you are using. Although almost all W sections are compact, Most H-sections are not compact and thus do not qualify for .66Fy. Also since soil loading is only estimated and may vary, I usually do not...
Go to slideruleera's website ( I thinkt is slideruleera.net, but I am not sure and download the US Steel Steel Sheetpiling Design Manual. This is a great reference for designing bulkheads. Typically for sandy soils a bouyant wt of 65 pcf is a value I will use absent any better information...
Ground Freezing involves pumping chilled prine through a network of wells. It is highly spealized and generally the most expensive option. OSHA lists some trenching details. Anything (including all steel sheet piling) that does not comply with these details must be stamped by a PE. Shoring boxes...
I am not sure why you need an FEM analysis for a cantilever wall. The effect of piles on the wall is highly debatable, but if the piles are close to the wall, it is possible some friction from the piles will transfer to the wall. I would think that 35 feet, even for a secant pile wall, is a bit...
Sorry, I have been traveling.
How much unbalance are we talking about?
Holes do not need to be dug tight to the box and often are not. You can either dig the box in before you set it or partially dig the hole then set the box and then finish excavating and pushing the box down. Be sure the box...
I am not sure what you mean by stage analysis for a trench box. Typically you dig a hole and drop it in. There is no stage analysis to perform, or am I misunderstanding something?
Untreated timber lagging has been used for a very long time. It is generally left in the gound with little resulting settlement. Although it will decay, it does not change volume, as once the excvation is backfilled, thher is little net pressure. Any compression is minor. There has been several...
Seeing how the design engineer specified a sheet length and the sheet length was installed, it will be hard to hang this on the contractor or inspector. It appears there was a difference in what was assumed for the profile and what was actually on the site. Wether this was inadequate exploration...