Cna we compile VBA codes
Cna we compile VBA codes
Please I need somebody to talk to me about this. I have some spreadsheet models that where built on VBA codes, I would like like to compile them so they can be run outside Excel, can this be done?
Greg Akhibi
ABB Lumus Global
RE: Cna we compile VBA codes
To run this code standalone you should get a copy of visual basic.
RE: Cna we compile VBA codes
But provide the original code author used true VB coding, rather than relying on VBA functions and commands then it is a relatively simple job to extract and compile the files directly using VB ... as the other respondant has already indicated.
RE: Cna we compile VBA codes
claims to offer that sort of functionality, but I'd have to say that the website looks a tad prehistoric.
A google search on the obvious terms threw up plenty of hits, one promising one in particular needing asubscription. You might try asking on tek-tips.
Greg Locock