Application of modularisation technique for designing biw
Application of modularisation technique for designing biw
I am looking for the exact meaning of modularisation with respect to biw used in automotive industry. Could any one give me more information about the type of approaches adopted in modularisation? Are there any websites from where I could get more information regarding this?
RE: Application of modularisation technique for designing biw
The entire car can be thought of as a complex system made up of discreet sub-systems - which can be further broken down into other sub-systems eventually leading to components. In days gone past - you might have referred to these as assemblies and sub-assemblies. Each of these sub-systems is usually sourced with a full service supplier (generally a sub-contractor) who liases through the OEM system leader to ensure that the interaction between sub-systems/modules meets with their approval and packages in everyones best interests.
With respect to your specific question regarding the BIW
Module 1 refers to the main BIW as a complete assembly. It is made up of the following sub-systems
Module 1.1 - This is the front of the vehicle, and tends to capture everything made of metal attached to the BIW between the front bumper and the firewall.
Module 1.3 - this tends to be the middle to end of the vehicle between the firewall and the rear bumper.
Module 1.5 - this tends to be the bodysides and roof variants.
These are the most common sub modules - sometimes - depending on the vehicle manufacturer you are dealing with you can come across module 1.4. If this is the case - it is usually the floor, which would normally be located in module 1.3.
Hope this helps - I haven't personally come acrossany web-sites which offer this type of adice - I got to know what I know from experience..........
best wishes