Automotive seating system durability test
Automotive seating system durability test
i am looking for S-N curve for the material listed below.we need that for the durability seat test we are doing in Ls-dyna.
1.IS 513
2.IS 513D
3.IS 513DD
4.IS 2062
5.IS 4454
6.IS 3074
Rahul Deshmukh
i am looking for S-N curve for the material listed below.we need that for the durability seat test we are doing in Ls-dyna.
1.IS 513
2.IS 513D
3.IS 513DD
4.IS 2062
5.IS 4454
6.IS 3074
Rahul Deshmukh
RE: Automotive seating system durability test
Can you give more information about these materials..
Never heard about this reference..
What are the specification in Temperature and Humidity of the environment you want to test??