small / fast / low power electro-mechanical actuators
small / fast / low power electro-mechanical actuators
Hi All, I am looking for suggestions for an actuator to drive a small pin ( part of a fast release mechanism ) but not sure what the best device would be. The pin would be small <1mm diameter and the forces involved would be less than 10 grammes or so. The devices I have thought of are small solenoids or relays or electromagnet type but as this is not my normal field I don't know if there might be anything better to use. Response time would need to be <0.1 seconds and actuator size should be less than 10X10X10 mm ,any shape but same volume. The actuator is normally off and would not be triggered often. Thanks. Opticsman.
RE: small / fast / low power electro-mechanical actuators
RE: small / fast / low power electro-mechanical actuators
opticsman, A solenoid may do the job, but I suspect you will need to order a custom made one. More info is needed:
1. how much travel the pin does?
2. What is the maximum current you can use in the solenoid?
3. How fast it should be?
4. Are there side forces on the pin? Is this force felt by the solenoid?
This is very important input needed before a solenoid solution can be checked to see if it can do the job.
RE: small / fast / low power electro-mechanical actuators
Very good response time, could be very small, and if it is incorporating NeFeB magnets must be also very low power compsuming...
RE: small / fast / low power electro-mechanical actuators
opticsman , do you really need all the problems associated with electromech. or electromag. ? You may find all your answers in a piezo actuator ( very low power ,very small ,extremely accurate movement ,very reliable, and very inexpensive ). I have a number of resources for off the shelf supplies or information. I can be reached at if interested .good luck