Popellers CFM
Popellers CFM
I conducting a little experiment and want to know how to calculate my propellers air flow (CFM cubic feet minute) at a given RPM. I’m using an eight inch prop with a six percent pitch with two blades and eighty percent efficiency.
RE: Popellers CFM
RE: Popellers CFM
RE: Popellers CFM
cross sectional area
x distance/revolution
x rotational speed
x efficiency.
blade count is irrelevant for calculation.
for your specifics, r = 0.33 feet.
Area = pi * r squared = 0.35 ft2
Distance = 2 * pi * r * pitch/100 = 0.12 ft/revolution
efficiency = 0.8
net is about 0.035 ft3/revolution, or
35 f3/min per 1000 rpm.