wheel spindle material? Ductile iron?
wheel spindle material? Ductile iron?
I need to make front wheel spindles for formula Vee car (61-65 VW Bug spindles).
I would like to find out what wheel spindles are generally made from. Would ductile iron be suitable for this purpose? What grade?
Thank you,
I would like to find out what wheel spindles are generally made from. Would ductile iron be suitable for this purpose? What grade?
Thank you,
RE: wheel spindle material? Ductile iron?
RE: wheel spindle material? Ductile iron?
They never break in on road use and only break in off road if the car is driven very hard
The link pin design is stronger than the ball joint design
I would think the formula V rules called for genuine original VW parts of a specific design and part #