Anyone know how to calc. or approx. v-belt losses?
Anyone know how to calc. or approx. v-belt losses?
Still on the brainstorming side of a design, thinking about connecting an electric motor to a driveline via pulleys and v-belts. Looking at a 1:1 ratio between the two pulleys (no dia. size picked out yet) running at 3600 RPM at about 10 to 12 kilowatts. Little weary about going this route as I'm concerned about the lack of efficiency in the v-belts - so I'd like to understand what type of loss I'd have to work with. I've read only general notes on v-belt losses with ranges up to 25%, but have not found any good formulas or approximations yet. (may be 2 to 3 v-belts I'm guessing)
RE: Anyone know how to calc. or approx. v-belt losses?
RE: Anyone know how to calc. or approx. v-belt losses?