Race Car End Plate-cutout vs full
Race Car End Plate-cutout vs full
I understand the reason for running end plates, both for preventing spillage and for reducing vortex effect. However, I have started seeing some cars run a cutout end plate, as shown (hopefully). The leading edge has a full hieght end plate, but it has a spill plate towards the trailing edge. If you need less downforce/drag, why not just run a small plate all the way, and cut down on the frontal area?
RE: Race Car End Plate-cutout vs full
Also, remember the top part of the wing contributes about half of the downforce - the vacuum created below the wing isn't affected by the cutout shown, so the effect of "spilling" a little high pressure from the top side is minimal. Leaking the flow in this manner might have a dampening effect and could reduce vibration, thereby reducing stress, thereby allowing a lighter construction (a speculation).
RE: Race Car End Plate-cutout vs full
RE: Race Car End Plate-cutout vs full
Is there a formular or percentage of "notch" as I'm looking at a wing for this application at the moment.
If possibe a scan of the article you mention would be very much appreciated, as w don't get it here in NZ.
Please send it via the llink for my address.
Cheers Dean