Standards/ Manuals
Standards/ Manuals
I am the only engineer at my company and I have to create a "How to Manual" for designs and drawings. This is to help any other engineers when hired to produce the same standard and levels of drawings. Does anyone have templates/ examples of this/ is it available anywhere.
I am the only engineer at my company and I have to create a "How to Manual" for designs and drawings. This is to help any other engineers when hired to produce the same standard and levels of drawings. Does anyone have templates/ examples of this/ is it available anywhere.
RE: Standards/ Manuals
As far as design, that depends on education, experience, and the tools you are using. Education and experience define themselves; it's the tools that you need to standardize so Engineer A can pick up Engineer B's work and understand the design intent.
If you tell us the tools you are using, we may be able to focus in that area.
--Scott Wertel
RE: Standards/ Manuals
We use ACAD 2000 to do all design/drafting.
Can you tell me where I can purchase the ANSI/ISO standards books?
RE: Standards/ Manuals
I would recommend starting with the ASME drafting standards (ASME Standard Y14 - Drafting Standards Package). You can order it at the website. Try this link:
You can also order bits and pieces of the entire standard, but to do it correctly I'd suggest getting the whole thing.
Good Luck,
Bob Kerila, PE
RE: Standards/ Manuals
In addition to his link you may just want to view the general ASME site as and It may pay to become a member of ASME, something you may consider looking into.
Also, are you aware that ANSI and ASME forums exist on eng-tips? You may want to post in those forums also.
--Scott Wertel
RE: Standards/ Manuals
Good luck,
Steve Smith
Product Engineer
Staco Energy Products Co.