Wide band O2 sensors
Wide band O2 sensors
I am trying to find a wide band O2 sensor to build the DIY-WB project. How does one identify a wide band O2 sensor? Are there different ones other than the NTK 5-wire O2 sensor identified for the DIY-WB project? I've been to several auto parts stores and no one carries the NTK. They have several that supposedly cross to a 95 honda civic vtec. Bosch 13246($190 not in stock), Bosch universal 15734($70) which is 4 wire but looks like it has an external O2 inlet... what's this all about? Are all 5 wire sensors wide band?
RE: Wide band O2 sensors
RE: Wide band O2 sensors
RE: Wide band O2 sensors
For engine controls we obtain our sensors directly from NTK. I am not sure if the sensors we have are the same as the ones used in your projects. The connector is different but looks the same otherwise. They must be similar as both are 5 wire NTK UEGO sensors. NTK does have different models with different calibration resistors. Different connectors are found on otherwise similar units.
For instrumentation we use the Horiba “Lambda Checker LD-700”. At about US$1500 (sensor included) it is accurate and reliable and saves the effort of having to make it yourself. The unit operates on 12V source and supplies 0 to 5 volts output = Lambda. See www.emd.horiba.com/engmeas/ld700/ for info.
A company called ECM in California supplies a similar product. They are extremely familiar with the NTK UEGO sensors but don’t seem so keen to assist do-it-yourselfers.