Wake vortex models
Wake vortex models
I am looking for information on different wake vortex models, in particular the Batchelor, or q-, type vortex. Does anybody know of some good reference material for this subject?
RE: Wake vortex models
in our own work on wingtips at present we suggest the following categories of vortex wakes:
1. Munk-type vortex wakes; coming from wings with linear interference of spanload and trailing vortex wakes. comprising planar and non-planar wings
2. Non-Munk-types; caused by outer part of wing having strongly nonlinear interaction of spanload and free-force vortex wakes.
practically all literature only treats 1., 2. is only treated since 1996
if this is not an answer to your problem, pls restate your problem, have a nice time