Full fillet root
Full fillet root
A gear shop that we work with wants to make all of our gears with a full fillet radius. They are currently flat fillet. They are telling me that full fillet is the industry standard now. All my gear books treat the flat fillet as standard, and suggest using the full fillet when needed for strength. My books are pretty old, so what is the standard now?
John Woodward
John Woodward
RE: Full fillet root
RE: Full fillet root
The standard full depth full fillet radius
is the new standard which is usually
1.25 time the module or 1.25 divided by the
dp for the dedendums.
For shaped gears the ratio might be 1.335
instead to get a proper sap diameter.
The full fillet seems to strengthen the part
even tho the moment arm becomes longer.
RE: Full fillet root
RE: Full fillet root