Global FOS 1.3 vs 1.5 for Retaining Walls
Global FOS 1.3 vs 1.5 for Retaining Walls
I am curious what people use for the cutoff to increase the global factor of safety from 1.3 to 1.5 for "critical structures", and do you ever use anything between 1.3 and 1.5? It is pretty clear cut to me for highway applications, where if the wall supports a bridge you would automatically increase to 1.5. But how about for commercial sites? Is it certain wall height, front slope, back slope, supporting a certain height building, etc.?
My current issue is I am doing the internal stability for an MSE wall, and the global analysis performed by others used FOS=1.5 (rightfully so based on literature and 2H:1V toe slope, supporting a 3-story building 15' back, and 26-degree foundation). But I am scratching my head at 42' grid lengths with a 14' exposed height and 5.5' of embedment. The owner is asking if there is any way to decrease the excavation. I have confirmed the global stability factor of safety is right at 1.5 with these variables. I wouldn't propose using a lower FOS unless I could find justification for it. I have been playing around with embedment and undercuts with not much help. Unless there is a convincing reason to use FOS<1.5, I do not see an alternative (with the current wall type and without other ground modifications which are beyond my expertise).
My current issue is I am doing the internal stability for an MSE wall, and the global analysis performed by others used FOS=1.5 (rightfully so based on literature and 2H:1V toe slope, supporting a 3-story building 15' back, and 26-degree foundation). But I am scratching my head at 42' grid lengths with a 14' exposed height and 5.5' of embedment. The owner is asking if there is any way to decrease the excavation. I have confirmed the global stability factor of safety is right at 1.5 with these variables. I wouldn't propose using a lower FOS unless I could find justification for it. I have been playing around with embedment and undercuts with not much help. Unless there is a convincing reason to use FOS<1.5, I do not see an alternative (with the current wall type and without other ground modifications which are beyond my expertise).
RE: Global FOS 1.3 vs 1.5 for Retaining Walls
RE: Global FOS 1.3 vs 1.5 for Retaining Walls
I have replicated the analysis in my slope stability software and am getting FOS=1.5 as well. I though maybe I would find a section of the slope that wasn't accurate from the grading plan, but that was not the case.
RE: Global FOS 1.3 vs 1.5 for Retaining Walls
RE: Global FOS 1.3 vs 1.5 for Retaining Walls
Using sands in the reinforced zone and the recommend values for Ci and Cd from the Synteen literature.
RE: Global FOS 1.3 vs 1.5 for Retaining Walls
RE: Global FOS 1.3 vs 1.5 for Retaining Walls
NCMA's Design Manual for Segmental Retaining Walls 3rd Edition recommends a minimum factor of safety for Global Stability in static condtions 1.3-1.5 and 1.1 for seismic, which is also reasonable. It's up to the engineer to decide what paramaters to use.
I usually don't mind use 1.3 for most walls. When it's supporting a building or even close to a building, I may bump it up to 1.5 if there are some concerns of uncertainity and consequences are high.
42' is very long, but those are some tough soil parameters provided by the geotech. They may or may not be warranted, but that's tough to argue with geotechnical engineers on their soil parameters. Things you can do to improve global stability are embedding the wall deeper and making the grid longer. Other than that, you have to look at alternative ground improvement, doing a combination system (driving sheet piles at the toe or maybe doing a reinforced earth slope at the base and then putting your wall on top), or changing to a totally different wall type altogether. If you have shallow groundwater in the toe slope, you can increase stability by installing toe drains.
RE: Global FOS 1.3 vs 1.5 for Retaining Walls
I'm very curious to know what the static FoS is using those parameters. North American geotech engineers are IMO almost criminally conservative at times in giving parameters. If the slope is stable in it's current condition and you have evidence that it's been that way for an extended period, I'd expect that the long-term static FoS is 1.2-1.3. To get those grid lengths the geotech must be giving parameters that imply a sub-1 static FoS in the existing condition or close to it.
RE: Global FOS 1.3 vs 1.5 for Retaining Walls
The thing with slopes is that some are slowly failing. So assigning a friction angle based on its current geometry may not be appropriate. You really need to be tapped into the local geology to understand if that’s the case, which we will not be.
That said, I’m interested in what the soil conditions are at this site where the friction angles are so low. LOTE can you provide a boring log redacting the project and geotechnical engineer?
RE: Global FOS 1.3 vs 1.5 for Retaining Walls
RE: Global FOS 1.3 vs 1.5 for Retaining Walls
RE: Global FOS 1.3 vs 1.5 for Retaining Walls
If the static FoS is actually one in existing long-term conditions than I think that their should be significant evidence of ongoing movement and failures in your slope. I.e., every extreme rainfall year or snowmelt year, you should be seeing failures in the slope. I would even expect to see failures in 'normal' years because an FoS of 1.0 is really more like a 50% chance of failure, right?
What does the geological / historical evidence in your area say? Your parameters and model imply that extremely large, deep-seated rotational failures should be occuring regularly. Are they? Is there evidence of regular failures of this type on similar slopes in similar geologies in the Holocene? If you were to look at historical evidence in INSAR sattelite deformation data from the last 10-20 years if it exists, would you find evidence of significant, regular movements happening in these slopes? What does this slope and slopes in similar geologies look like - do they look like a mess of past failures vegetated over?
RE: Global FOS 1.3 vs 1.5 for Retaining Walls
The top 8’ could be excavated and recompacted to increase the friction angle to 34 degrees.
If I’m still having problems at that point, I may be looking to go in a different direction.
RE: Global FOS 1.3 vs 1.5 for Retaining Walls
@MTNClimber Based on the limited info, do you think the geotech was too conservative here with their friction angles?
For liability, I would not go and use higher friction angles than what the geotech recommended in their report. I try to stay away from proposing soil properties whenever possible.
RE: Global FOS 1.3 vs 1.5 for Retaining Walls
This is based on the very limited information I have. That doesn’t mean there isn’t a reason for the very conservative values. As geotechguy stated, if there are many failures in the area, the geotechnical engineer may need to provide highly conservative values to avoid loss of property or life.
RE: Global FOS 1.3 vs 1.5 for Retaining Walls