Which CAM software
Which CAM software
Hello everyone, in my country, technicians with associate degrees usually work on CAM in companies, instead of engineers with bachelor's degrees. However, as a mechanical engineer, I also want to learn CAM. However, each production area uses a different CAM software. Which one would you recommend learning?
RE: Which CAM software
I would suggest you learn the CAM software that is the most used one in your country and line of work.
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RE: Which CAM software
Here in USA Mastercam is popular.
Chris, CSWP
ctophers home
RE: Which CAM software
"Wildfires are dangerous, hard to control, and economically catastrophic."
Ben Loosli
RE: Which CAM software
CAM software selection generally varies with process. The major machining ops packages like Mastercam, Featurecam, etc generally arent great at tube bending or sheet/plate/other forming processes so specialty packages are used as-needed. I would start with one of the major machining packages then learn others as-desired.
Stateside most engineers dont run CAM, that's generally a tradesman who may/may-not have a degree and whose job is setting up and limited operation of machinery, a "programmer."
RE: Which CAM software