Strengthening Tension Chord in Truss?
Strengthening Tension Chord in Truss?
I have a client that is knocking out what was likely intended to be a non-load bearing internal wall. One story home, the wall runs perpendicular to the truss system (open W style, 24 ft span, with webs meeting the tension chords at 8'ft spacings, 2x4 members), an analysis shows that the truss was designed to span from exterior wall to exterior wall. The problem:
(1) Is determining if the wall is still non-load bearing? It has been in place for 80 plus years, possibly taking load and changing the load path of the system.
(2) The design load is higher now that it was when built in the early 40's - the snow load is higher (even accounting for new LFRD factors in ASCE -7 22) and they are adding solar panels. It won't exceed the capacity much -by about 12% or so. Compression is not an issue in any of the other chords/webs.
The bottom chord member is at about 104% capacity using the old snow load and no solar panels for the full exterior wall to exterior wall span.
The least expensive solution would be best, so if that is a beam replacing the wall, that would be easiest, however, I don't see that as the most conservative because then you are changing the load path (if it has not already been changed).
Increasing the section of the bottom chords comes to mind as a better fix, but I have not been able to find a resource for altering or strengthening trusses, at least not the tension elements through AWC.
I'm looking for resources on how to increase the capacity of the tension chords (including connections) or any information on if long standing non-load bearing walls affect the load path and if they should be replaced with a beam if removed?
The framing of the wall is currently visible as well as the truss from above, the ceiling is in place, so unless I open it up, I cannot see if the trusses are bearing on the top plate or if there is space between. If there is a good chance construction method then left space between the truss chords and the wall, I could do that to verify that it is still non-load bearing?
RE: Strengthening Tension Chord in Truss?
RE: Strengthening Tension Chord in Truss?
Yeah, I don't think they would have intentionally left a space for deflection of the truss back in the 1940s either.
Any suggestions for adding capacity for the tension member? Or design guides to go to for the extra 12% capacity?
RE: Strengthening Tension Chord in Truss?
RE: Strengthening Tension Chord in Truss?
RE: Strengthening Tension Chord in Truss?
RE: Strengthening Tension Chord in Truss?
I'm not concerned about removing that wall as it probably hurt the truss more than helped by adding bending to the tension bottom chord.
But the addition of the solar panels and, what you report, as higher snow loads would lead me to be more careful here.
The IBC typically only allows 5% overage on gravity loads on existing structures. You're reporting 12%.
RE: Strengthening Tension Chord in Truss?
I probably should look at that in retrospect to see if the assumption was right and to get a calc crunched out for my own peace of mind before the ceiling is closed up/ or a heavy snowstorm rolls along. Nailing patterns I am comfortable with, but I haven't yet tried to find resources on those toothed plates for capacity. Any resources/starting points appreciated!
RE: Strengthening Tension Chord in Truss?
If you're doing anything with MPC trusses, TPI1 is a must. The 2014 version used to be on their website for free. Don't see it now.
RE: Strengthening Tension Chord in Truss?