Flare purge after maintenance
Flare purge after maintenance
Is there guidance of how long to purge a flare header prior to Return to service?
Is there guidance of how long to purge a flare header prior to Return to service?
RE: Flare purge after maintenance
I would suggest pressuring the header to 0.5barg with near pure N2, then blowdown, then repeat another cycle of pressuring to 0.5barg and blowdown again. That will prevent the subsequent methane fill of the header from combusting. The second cycle is to account for non ideal mixing of the header contents prior to blowdown.
RE: Flare purge after maintenance
For large pipe inert gas slug method would be more economical - see link
RE: Flare purge after maintenance
This document indicates a lower O2 concentration of 10-11% v/v for flammability of methane, close to the previous value cited. See page narrative and Fig 3 on page 4 of 7
The 2 cycles of pressurisation should get you down to < 10 % v/v O2.
RE: Flare purge after maintenance
1. Close flare KOD outlet valve.
2. Open N2 from all sweep points in flare headers. (can remove RO for in N2 sweep points for purging purging purpose)
3. Take 0.5-0.7 bar pressure upto flare KOD
4. Open flare KOD outlet valve and depressurize upto 0.1-0.2 bar pressure.
5. Repeat this 4-5 times.
6. Take gas sample from flare KOD in bladder and analyse for oxygen percentage.
7. If oxygen in less than 1 %, can take flare in service.
8. install RO in N2 sweep points.