Glulam Strength Determination
Glulam Strength Determination
I am new to wood design and I am trying to understand where the design stresses for glulam come from in the AWC Specifier Guide? I read that for structural timber, it is based on a 5% exclusion limit, adjustment factors, strength ratio's, and other modification factors of "green wood".
I am guessing the glulam numbers came about the same way? Does anyone have any resources for me to understand what the design stresses listed in the tables really mean and what they incorporate? I know ASTM D3737 is the standard for this process but I don't have access to it and I was hoping to find a resource that could explain it a little clearer.
Thanks in advance.
I am new to wood design and I am trying to understand where the design stresses for glulam come from in the AWC Specifier Guide? I read that for structural timber, it is based on a 5% exclusion limit, adjustment factors, strength ratio's, and other modification factors of "green wood".
I am guessing the glulam numbers came about the same way? Does anyone have any resources for me to understand what the design stresses listed in the tables really mean and what they incorporate? I know ASTM D3737 is the standard for this process but I don't have access to it and I was hoping to find a resource that could explain it a little clearer.
Thanks in advance.
RE: Glulam Strength Determination
So strange to see the singularity approaching while the entire planet is rapidly turning into a hellscape. -John Coates
RE: Glulam Strength Determination
RE: Glulam Strength Determination
5th percentile isn't exactly correct, but the design values are based on an adjusted 5th percentile, in essence, per the ASTM standard, you divide the 5th percentile by, if I remember correctly, either 2.1 or 2.37, depending on the design value being evaluated. Part of that is an adjustment for load duration (generally 1.6 due to length of sample test time), and the other an adjustment to reduce nominal strength below the 5th percentile to ensure sufficient capacity of the design member.
RE: Glulam Strength Determination
RE: Glulam Strength Determination