Adhesive for Cryogenic application
Adhesive for Cryogenic application
Hello Everyone,
I am looking for an adhesive which can sustain cryogenic temperature range upto (-196°c) to +100°c in vacuum condition.
Bonding material - Aluminium & FRP
Please suggest.
I am looking for an adhesive which can sustain cryogenic temperature range upto (-196°c) to +100°c in vacuum condition.
Bonding material - Aluminium & FRP
Please suggest.
RE: Adhesive for Cryogenic application
Aluminum is notoriously difficult to bond to properly for long-term success. Proper surface preparation and chemical pre-treat is necessary. Wiping with a solvent-soaked rag is not good enough.
What are the loads, and in what direction?
What is the part geometry?
It's a really big temperature range, and your materials probably have very different coefficients of thermal expansion.
Even the "perfect adhesive" is likely to fail in an imperfectly engineered joint.
I suggest that you think again about whatever you are trying to accomplish and find a way that does not rely on adhesive.