An engineering lesson
An engineering lesson
This fellow is great at auto diagnostics. What is good about this particular video are the comments about engineering.
The one I enjoyed the most was the comment that the engineer that designed a power steering pump and had no idea where it would fit on the car.
The one I enjoyed the most was the comment that the engineer that designed a power steering pump and had no idea where it would fit on the car.
RE: An engineering lesson
It is easy for tradies to pass judgement on engineers/architects etc because they have no idea of the constraints within which the original design was undertaken.
je suis charlie
RE: An engineering lesson
Greg Locock
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RE: An engineering lesson
Greg Locock
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RE: An engineering lesson
Ever worked in a product design team? Better yet, ever defined engineering requirements for a complex integrated system?
If so, why not tell us something positive, about how you guided the design process within all the various constraints to produce a quality product.
RE: An engineering lesson
RE: An engineering lesson
RE: An engineering lesson
I agree that tradesmen often go overboard on commentary without understanding the full context, or realizing the benefits that were gained by packaging / building a component in a way that makes repair more difficult. Sometimes the thing they advocate simply doesn't make any sense when the tradeoff is considered. Mistakes happen sometimes and the full story never gets out.
That said, there are plenty of engineers who blindly follow the specs and don't speak up when the specs lack common sense. They maximize their performance metrics instead of building the best overall product.
Then there are systematic problems where the entire chain of command is being driven to do the wrong thing and nobody can stop it. That belongs to the leaders. (shuttle booster o-rings). I was briefly involved in the Beagle2 Entry/Descent/Landing System design, which failed, and it failed because the leader of the Beagle2 project was stubbornly convinced that NASA had been way too conservative in designing support systems, and forced the EDLS to be too thin / too light / estimate risks too optimistically. That was the design philosophy and it went splat. Nobody was hurt but the UK taxpayers paid a good chunk of that bill.
There is plenty of blame to go around; we all need to spend more time trying to improve the part that's within our control and listening to the other groups.
If I could make a request, have professional mechanics comment on the cost/difficulty to repair various models of vehicles. Not to bash engineers, but to give a complete picture of the vehicle. That way shoppers could show up well-informed about the repair issues.
RE: An engineering lesson
As a young(er) hoodlum 0-60 mph times were more important to me.
RE: An engineering lesson
So you increase the build price of the new car by $3, and introduce a new set of failure modes, so that the owner of a 10-20 year old car is happier? Unless the problem affects a NEW car buyer, then frankly it is not going to get much attention. We sell cars to new car buyers, not to shade tree mechanics.
Greg Locock
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RE: An engineering lesson
Greg Locock
New here? Try reading these, they might help FAQ731-376: Forum Policies
RE: An engineering lesson
And the new car customer goes to the dealer for their servicing. If the vehicles has noticeably higher servicing costs for simple mundane repairs....they might decide on a different brand next time a new car is needed. But the important thing is to get the car sold, that's the money making part.
RE: An engineering lesson
Greg Locock
New here? Try reading these, they might help FAQ731-376: Forum Policies
RE: An engineering lesson
Honestly, I'm not even opening a random YT video just to see how all engineers are doing it wrong according to someone who likely isn't an engineer or ever worked on a new vehicle design team.
As far as the the bulb replacement comment goes, probably half or more of the new vehicles sold would have that warrantied if it did fail on the first owner.
RE: An engineering lesson
NG2020, I signed a non-disclosure agreement at the last place I worked, ret now. Sorry no stories today.
RE: An engineering lesson
"Schiefgehen wird, was schiefgehen kann" - das Murphygesetz
RE: An engineering lesson
je suis charlie