Could I get feedback on my open-source Civil Engineering software?
Could I get feedback on my open-source Civil Engineering software?
Hi all, I've been developing some open-source software for geotechnical/structural analysis.
Could I get some feedback from you awesome Engineers on it? How can I improve it for you?
It's all free to use and we have a community of around 30 Engineers from around the world who are working on different tools and calculators and improving the platform.
Let me know if you'd like to get involved! Here is the link:
The project is called :)
Could I get some feedback from you awesome Engineers on it? How can I improve it for you?
It's all free to use and we have a community of around 30 Engineers from around the world who are working on different tools and calculators and improving the platform.
Let me know if you'd like to get involved! Here is the link:
The project is called :)
RE: Could I get feedback on my open-source Civil Engineering software?
TTFN (ta ta for now)
I can do absolutely anything. I'm an expert!
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RE: Could I get feedback on my open-source Civil Engineering software?
RE: Could I get feedback on my open-source Civil Engineering software?
A black swan to a turkey is a white swan to the butcher ... and to Boeing.
RE: Could I get feedback on my open-source Civil Engineering software?
It looks interesting. I've long thought of something similar but the market for it is so small that it's hard to do anything except an open source effort.
Have you thought about trying to replicate the basic features of software like CPETIT? The core of the software is incredibly straightforward - basically just a fancy spreadsheet. I think there are some free python modules available that do at least the basics of CPT interpretation.
RE: Could I get feedback on my open-source Civil Engineering software?
What makes you say the market is so small? Surely there's hundreds of thousands if not millions of Engineers around the world who need to perform those calculations? Or are you thinking that they already have some favoured calculators/analysis and don't need any new platforms?
RE: Could I get feedback on my open-source Civil Engineering software?
You should add some applications for water, lots of people looking for some help with H20.
RE: Could I get feedback on my open-source Civil Engineering software?