ChemCAD Heat Capacity Ratio Cp/Cv
ChemCAD Heat Capacity Ratio Cp/Cv
I am working in a compressor selection software and I have to enter the heat capacity ratio (K-value or Cp/Cv value) of my inlet gas stream to proceed with the selection. How can I get the Cp/Cv value for my inlet gas stream in ChemCAD 7?
The molecular weight and Cp value is given in the stream report and easy to fill:
Thanks in advance.
I am working in a compressor selection software and I have to enter the heat capacity ratio (K-value or Cp/Cv value) of my inlet gas stream to proceed with the selection. How can I get the Cp/Cv value for my inlet gas stream in ChemCAD 7?
The molecular weight and Cp value is given in the stream report and easy to fill:
Thanks in advance.
RE: ChemCAD Heat Capacity Ratio Cp/Cv
Consider Mayer's relation : Cp-Cv= R/Mw
Hope this is helping you
RE: ChemCAD Heat Capacity Ratio Cp/Cv
Thanks for your feedback but that doesn't help me. I am out on deep water and I would like the program to give me the value without having to calculate myself since this is a bit outside my depth. Do you know if it is possible to get the program to give me the Cp/Cv value?
If I calculate R/Mw (8,314462618รท19,06) I get 0,4362 but I believe the correct Cp/Cv value should be between 1 and 1,7?
RE: ChemCAD Heat Capacity Ratio Cp/Cv
In the top menu, navigate to report -> quick view -> customize property set -> then select the properties you want to have in the report.
RE: ChemCAD Heat Capacity Ratio Cp/Cv
For ideal gases, Cp/Cv = k = Cp /(Cp-R), where Cp = kJ/kgmole/degK and R=8.314kJ/kgmole/degK. In many cases, the ideal gas value for k is far from the real gas k.
RE: ChemCAD Heat Capacity Ratio Cp/Cv
In this case I have not modeled the compressor or outlet system yet. Only the inlet system.