Furnace No Flow
Furnace No Flow
We believe that we could block one or more of our vertical furnace tubes with liquid (at the low points) with the flow bypassing the affected passes. This could lead to no flow down these passes with potential for tube failure.
Is there anyway to determine if the liquid in the tubes would boil before the tube failed under the no flow scenario?
Is there anyway to determine if the liquid in the tubes would boil before the tube failed under the no flow scenario?
RE: Furnace No Flow
Please give more process information, fluids and flow rate.. Design heat flow of furnace and how is the tube coils
RE: Furnace No Flow
Even after the burners are shut off, the furnace tube continue to absorb heat due "heat soak" (radiation from the inner surfaces of the fire box). Each furnace is different. There's no reliable rule-of-thumb for predicting the maximum temperature of the furnace coils during such a condition. Thus, the importance of good burner management automation which prevents the various modes of unsafe operation, such as continuing to fire the furnace when there's no flow in the coils.