12" SD located under building column footing
12" SD located under building column footing
My recent inspection revealed a 12" SD (HDPE pipe) running directly under an endwall column footing. The footings, wall/pier have already been poured and the contractor was getting ready to backfill. The endwall footing is 6x6x12" thick, and was upsized for uplift conditions on the PEMB. Bearing pressures are relatively small (generally under 1 ksf for most combinations, and peak to about 1.5 ksf for worst case). the top of the pipe is approximate equal to the bottom of the footing. I don't really like what I'm seeing here, however the continuous wall and continuous footing will also help spread the load and provide additional bearing area. My question is, how have you dealt with similar issues in the past, and should this warrant demoing the foundation, lowering it and passing the pipe through a sleeve in the wall?
I'm not a site designer, and will be sending this information their way for recommendations as well. Thanks for any help you can provide!
I'm not a site designer, and will be sending this information their way for recommendations as well. Thanks for any help you can provide!
RE: 12" SD located under building column footing
RE: 12" SD located under building column footing
RE: 12" SD located under building column footing
RE: 12" SD located under building column footing
1. As owner of the facility?
2. As owner's engineer?
3. As contractor's engineer?
1. Your choice.
2. Resolve with owner's approval
3. Tell contractor .. take long vacation