SPT vs Lab Test and Effects of Sample Disturbance on Strength Tests
SPT vs Lab Test and Effects of Sample Disturbance on Strength Tests
Firstly, I am not a geotechnical engineer but I have to do pile or footing design. I am new to geotechnical engineering.
My first question is
Usually, I will have in-situ SPT tests for my foundation design and lab tests to counter-check in-situ test results but I am not sure which one of them is more reliable lab test or in-situ SPT in general?
My second question is
I am not sure if there is such thing as a 100% undisturbed sample. What are the effects of sample disturbances (undisturbed sample disturbed to some degree due to many factors) on strength tests? Are the results conservative or depend on a case-by-case basis? Why?
Thanks in advance for your help
Firstly, I am not a geotechnical engineer but I have to do pile or footing design. I am new to geotechnical engineering.
My first question is
Usually, I will have in-situ SPT tests for my foundation design and lab tests to counter-check in-situ test results but I am not sure which one of them is more reliable lab test or in-situ SPT in general?
My second question is
I am not sure if there is such thing as a 100% undisturbed sample. What are the effects of sample disturbances (undisturbed sample disturbed to some degree due to many factors) on strength tests? Are the results conservative or depend on a case-by-case basis? Why?
Thanks in advance for your help
RE: SPT vs Lab Test and Effects of Sample Disturbance on Strength Tests
For granular material, SPTs, PSD, and shearbox tests are used, you wont get any advanced triaxial tests as its nearly impossible to get economical undisturbed samples of SAND.
For the most part this level of assessment is conservative enough to not be too cost prohibitive.
Re disturbance, I think it should generally leave you with more conservative parameters, lower shear strength, higher compressibility
RE: SPT vs Lab Test and Effects of Sample Disturbance on Strength Tests
So for cohesive soil CLAYs, SILTs, lab tests are more accurate and where I practice, lab tests seem to be quite cheap.
for granular soil SAND, In-situ tests or shearbox are suitable as it is hard to get a good undisturbed sample.
RE: SPT vs Lab Test and Effects of Sample Disturbance on Strength Tests
The CPT is really your best tool for trying to compare insitu test to lab results. There are many webinars from Robertson and Gregg drilling which you can check out.
RE: SPT vs Lab Test and Effects of Sample Disturbance on Strength Tests
This is true for most situations but can be achieved for a manageable cost in fine grained sands to silt material, common in tailings using a specialized piston sampler to get undisturbed tubes, the name of which escapes me currently.
RE: SPT vs Lab Test and Effects of Sample Disturbance on Strength Tests
RE: SPT vs Lab Test and Effects of Sample Disturbance on Strength Tests