OEE assets measure at refinery industry
OEE assets measure at refinery industry
Hello folks ,
Is there any sheet or form use to calculate OEE of Assets and Process in refinery and upstream industry ??
Best wishes
John gladstone
Is there any sheet or form use to calculate OEE of Assets and Process in refinery and upstream industry ??
Best wishes
John gladstone
RE: OEE assets measure at refinery industry
RE: OEE assets measure at refinery industry
Thank you
Have you got practical example to calculate oee for pump , heat exchanger , heater and turbine ?
Thank you in advance
RE: OEE assets measure at refinery industry
Is there possible to support me by practical example to calculate oee in refinery application ?
To calculate OEE for pump , heat exchanger , crude oil heater , compressor and turbine ??
Thank you in advance
RE: OEE assets measure at refinery industry
TTFN (ta ta for now)
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