Passing collection to comand button
Passing collection to comand button
Hi all ,
Could someone help me please with achieving following :
I have :
-inside code....
then i have 2 new collections inside wich i passed from other subroutine by calling the first one .
The problem is i want to pass this 2 collections to a command button,see picture attached.
what i am trying to say is , only after i press the button those 2 collection to pass to other subroutine.
Will appreciate any suggestion,thank you!
Could someone help me please with achieving following :
I have :
-inside code....
then i have 2 new collections inside wich i passed from other subroutine by calling the first one .
The problem is i want to pass this 2 collections to a command button,see picture attached.
what i am trying to say is , only after i press the button those 2 collection to pass to other subroutine.
Will appreciate any suggestion,thank you!
RE: Passing collection to comand button
Also note that you can post code in the message, using the "Code" icon above the edit box.
Doug Jenkins
Interactive Design Services
RE: Passing collection to comand button
Hard to say because the code is incomplete in that you have not provided how those variables are initialised, only a snippet provided at the top of your screenshot.
RE: Passing collection to comand button
Thank you for your support.
The code is a long one , but i just made a simple one for you to understand what i want to achieve :
Public Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim a, b, c As String
a = "hi"
b = "hope you are doing well"
c = "thank you for help"
ListBox1.AddItem a
ListBox1.AddItem b
ListBox1.AddItem c
Dim nwcol As Collection
Set nwcol = New Collection
nwcol.Add (a & b & c)
End Sub
Public Sub CommandButton2_Click(ByRef nwcol As Collection)
ListBox2.AddItem nwcol.Item(1)
End Sub
So you can see that i want to pass the nwcol to second button and to be listed in listbox2 , but only when second button will be pressed.
Many thanks!
RE: Passing collection to comand button
1) Copy the CommandButton1_Click code to a function that returns nwcol. You can then call that from either Button1 or Button2.
2) Write nwcol to a named spreadsheet range. You can then read that in the CommandButton2_Click code.
3) As Agent666 suggested, make nwcol a global variable. It will than be available inside CommandButton2_Click.
As far as I know you can't pass arguments to routines called from a command button.
Doug Jenkins
Interactive Design Services
RE: Passing collection to comand button