Global Bolted Joint Model for Multi-Bolt Joints (Gray and McCarthy)
Global Bolted Joint Model for Multi-Bolt Joints (Gray and McCarthy)
Have any of you extensively implemented Gray and McCarthy's global jointed model based off their paper "A global bolted joint model for finite element analysis of load distributions in multi-bolt composite joints". Would it be possible to ignore the bolt stiffness and model only the rigid surface to transfer the loads. Also, how do I model a rigid analytical surface in Ansys??
Thank you.
Have any of you extensively implemented Gray and McCarthy's global jointed model based off their paper "A global bolted joint model for finite element analysis of load distributions in multi-bolt composite joints". Would it be possible to ignore the bolt stiffness and model only the rigid surface to transfer the loads. Also, how do I model a rigid analytical surface in Ansys??
Thank you.
RE: Global Bolted Joint Model for Multi-Bolt Joints (Gray and McCarthy)
RE: Global Bolted Joint Model for Multi-Bolt Joints (Gray and McCarthy)
RE: Global Bolted Joint Model for Multi-Bolt Joints (Gray and McCarthy)
another day in paradise, or is paradise one day closer ?
RE: Global Bolted Joint Model for Multi-Bolt Joints (Gray and McCarthy)
RE: Global Bolted Joint Model for Multi-Bolt Joints (Gray and McCarthy)
“Any idiot can build a bridge that stands, but it takes an engineer to build a bridge that barely stands.”
RE: Global Bolted Joint Model for Multi-Bolt Joints (Gray and McCarthy)