Tire Modelling
Tire Modelling
I have tried to model the motorcycle tire in Adams view in which I gave input the area moment of inertia Ixx,Iyy, and Izz ( polar moment of inertia ) and I used pac2002_175_70R13.tire. I had expected that the tire and rim model will look like a motorcycle tire assembly but it looks like a car's tire assembly having a greater thickness. Also is there any way so that we can also made tire tread? and what about the spokes wheel? can we model the wheel with spokes too?
RE: Tire Modelling
No, you can't model a spoked wheel, easily, but you can import a suitable 3d model of one for the graphics. Not something I've bothered with. Basically you'd create a graphics object and connect it to the wheel part with a fixed joint.
Greg Locock
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RE: Tire Modelling
Thanks for your valuable suggestion !!!
RE: Tire Modelling
Greg Locock
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RE: Tire Modelling
RE: Tire Modelling
Greg Locock
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RE: Tire Modelling