Reducing oil diversity on all equipment
Reducing oil diversity on all equipment
A lot of diversity has been created by using different oils in the rotating equipment in the existing facility. I want to simplify these oils on a brand / model basis. Is there a study in the literature related to this? How should I proceed?
Thank you for your attention.
Thank you for your attention.
RE: Reducing oil diversity on all equipment
One of the things you will have is a list of lubricants in use. The first step then is to look whether there is some overlap - and whether maybe a higher spec product could be used as a substitute for two or more original products in combination with extended drain intervals. From that moment on you should contact your lubricant supplier to help you make intelligent choices regarding to product choice, whether regular oil sample analysis would be of value and what oil change intervals would be optimal.
The whole exercise can be quite time consuming, especially the not so sexy data gathering part. However you should bear in mind that the outcome may only be as good as the data you put in: "rubbish in leads to rubbish out".
RE: Reducing oil diversity on all equipment
I would add that if you have a preferred lub brand (example, Mobil), they will offer advice/ recommendation on which lubes within their line will be appropriate for each piece of equipment.
if you are a big plant with a lot of potential future sales for them, they may be willing to invest some time to help you. of course you can't rely on them completely, check independently where it's easy and where it's critical
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